Реклама на Amazon Kindle мне особо не мешала … да вообще она мне не мешала, но был вечер и мне почему то не чем было заняться и решил я отключить рекламу Amazon Kindle.
Итак наши действия:
1) Идем на http://www.amazon.com/ и проходим авторизацию
2) Далее идем по ссылке и попадаем в чат.
3) В чате пишем Hello! Can you please turn off Special Offers for my Kindle? I live outside of US, this Kindle was a gift and I can’t pay for it from Russia. Is it possible to turn Special Offers with out pay?
4) Нас переспрашивают есть ли у нас адрес в US — говорим что нет и т.д.
5) В конечном итоге нам говорят, что попробуют помочь и отключают рекламу.
Вот мой диалог:
Initial Question: Hello! Can you please turn off Special Offers for my Kindle? I live outside of US, this Kindle was a gift and I can’t pay for it from Russia. Is it possible to turn Special Offers with out pay? 04:01 PM(GMT) Sandeep(CSA): Hello, my name is Sandeep, I'll be glad to help you today. 04:02 PM(GMT) Sandeep(CSA): Vasya, Let me connect you to a member of our Kindle team. It will only take a moment. 04:03 PM(GMT) Satish(CSA): Hello, my name is Satish. Let me see what I can do for you. 04:04 PM(GMT) Satish(CSA): Just to confirm, are you referring to " Vasya Kindle "? 04:04 PM(GMT) Initial Question: yes 04:07 PM(GMT) Satish(CSA): I'm sorry, to unsubscribe from the special offers you would need to be located in U.S. Just to confirm, do you have U.S billing address in your account? 04:08 PM(GMT) Initial Question: No. I live in Russia 04:09 PM(GMT) Satish(CSA): I'll try to unsubscribe your device from the special offers but I'm not sure whether that would work as you are in Russia. Would that be okay Vasya? 04:10 PM(GMT) Initial Question: Yes 04:11 PM(GMT) Initial Question: It worked. Thank you! Good luck! 04:11 PM(GMT) Satish(CSA): You’re welcome. Is there anything else I can help you with today? 04:12 PM(GMT) Initial Question: It was all that I needed. Thank you very much 04:12 PM(GMT) Satish(CSA): You're welcome. Thank you for contacting Amazon. We hope to see you again. Have a nice day.
И немного картинок
Вот так вот было до отключения рекламы
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После исчезла реклама и обновилась прошивка
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